New Action Group Focus

TasMen’s main focus over the years has been the yearly Gathering. Supporting the gathering are numerous men’s sharing circles.

Sharing circles are not for everyone. They can even be a bit intimidating as an introduction to men’s work. We are aware that some of the other ‘action’ groups involving TasMen have been very successful at introducing new men to depth, connection and authenticity.

The Kingston and Dodges Ferry swim/breath groups are prime examples of these groups that are more about ‘doing’ but also provide men with deep connection, friendship and fun. The Sea Shanty group and the MoveMent group are also great examples. These groups allow deeper conversations to develop in a supported, safe and action environment.

TasMen would like to do more to support and encourage these groups in the future. Whether this be by providing seed funding, insurance cover or marketing, we’d love to help men connect authentically, and perhaps eventually come to a Gathering or join a sharing circle.

Can you help?

We will be focusing on this moving forward, and welcome suggestions as to what sort of group you’d like to be a part of. Is there a group you’d like to lead? Are you already in a group that needs support?

Some ideas include; Pottery, Walking, Golf, Sauna, Running, Cooking, Meditation, Circus, Drumming, Coffee, Fishing, Singing, Book reading, Kava, Mountain Biking etc etc.

If you’d like to know more or would like to suggest some ‘action’ group ideas, please send us an email or check the events page on our website.


Songs of the TasMen Shanty Crew


Sea Shanties